A choreographed program and musically interpretive routine of twelve or more athletes all using one baton each to demonstrate baton, body, and group skills of synchronic twirling and interactive elements blended together with both stationary and traveling complex body movements, along with exchanges executed to music of the group’s choosing.
Discipline Description
The Twirling Corps discipline is a group of athletes performing a musically rhythmic and/or interpretive program showcasing twirling, maneuvering, and bodywork that results in visual effectiveness of quality precision and unison of the trained skills.
Discipline Focus
1. Content:
a. Trained and quality baton handling, exchanges, and movement are the emphasized components of this discipline. Multiple baton, though not required, can enhance the depth of baton content credit when completed by a minimum of 12 members b. Precision, unison, and teamwork are paramount. c. Performance qualities and mastery of the trained skills will yield the highest level of general effect. d. Staging, floor coverage, forms and evolution of forms/transitions is the “blueprint” of the program and will be used to showcase a controlled and uniform display of baton and body skills.
2. Execution:
The skills presented in the twirling corps discipline should be seamless in connection, demonstrating a priority of proper body and baton technique, reflecting the modes and exchanges within the Twirling Corps concept.
The program has an emphasis on twirling in unison with limited use of featured athletes or vignettes. The program and athletes should be “one” with their timing responsibilities and demonstrate a uniform approach to execution.
The Twirling Corps routine will be choreographically paced with impact moments, highs and lows, contrasts of dynamic performance qualities, interrelationship, interaction and expression that yields quality entertainment value via an authoritarian approach of baton and body skills.